My Offerings

...Exercise Your Earth-Body
...Embody Your Divine Health
...Commune With The Cosmos
...Celebrate Your Authenticity

I have spent most of life witnessing the beauty and gifts of nature, enjoying an abundance of vitality with gratitude and pleasure. I have also spent much of life moving with ease through my body as a dancer, mother, athlete, physical trainer, and healthcare professional.  However, there was a period of time when I lost my way.  I was led into the trap of doing “what is expected” and “giving 110%” of my effort.  The mainstream narrative almost broke me.  Living someone else’s dream and performing in a perpetual state of action is unsustainable and exhausting.

But Mother Nature has a way leading us back to what is sustainable, if we listen.  My multidimensional healing journey has given me the gift of re-membering.  Discovering the divine connection between nature and human movement was an awakening for me.  Now I am eager to share with you how nature, movement, and connection are foundational for your health abundance journey.  Through my personal experiences, contemplation, knowledge, wisdom, practice, and integration I have created the Earth-Body Way: a new paradigm for health, fitness & wellness.

After 25 years of honing my innate gifts and curating a wealth of knowledge in the fields of fitness, physical therapy, and somatic movement, I am pleased to serve you as you exercise your Earth-Body.  The heart of my work, Elemental Movement Medicine, involves the restoration of organic movement patterns, structural re-alignment, and nervous system regulation.  I teach and practice within the context an infrastructure that follows seasonal rhythms and honors the cycles of nature.  The modalities & technologies that I incorporate into therapeutic sessions are diverse and varied.  Your experience may include exercise prescription, exercise program design, breathing practices, somatic re-integration, energy attunement, intuitive medicine, myofascial release, and/or nervous system regulation.  My practice has evolved over time to be uniquely mine with a robust assortment of tools to support your unique needs.  A regenerative model for physical therapies don’t exactly fit inside ‘the box’ of traditional rehabilitation, physical therapy, fitness classes, or personal training. Therefore, I am not able to accept your health insurance as a payor source.  However, I am happy to meet you wherever you are at, providing my services as an adjunct to any conventional offerings.

Physical movement is only one aspect of the holistic picture of health.  Often, it is a portal into the discovery that we are part of a multi-dimensional reality which includes our emotional, mental, and spiritual health in the setting of social relationship.  This is the broad journey that we explore in the Serpentine Sisterhood.   Through a 10-week journey as a small collective of women, we dive into the 8-Points of Intrinsic Health inspired by Zach Bush, MD.  We often forget (and we weren’t taught) that we need to move our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in addition to moving our physical bodies.  In a safe matrilineal community, aligned with nature-based scientific knowledge and divine feminine wisdom, we bring ourselves into to a multi-dimensional and supportive experience of holistic health.  This journey was the exact path that transformed the course of my own healing and inspired this experiential course.  It has been designed in the likeness of The Journey of Intrinsic Health to include new paradigm health information as well as facilitated integration so that you may embody your divine health.

To support your expanded path of health and healing in the realm of Gaia-Galactic consciousness, I have created a specific container for you to commune with the cosmos.  On the New Moon and Full Moon each month, I host and facilitate Cosmic Twister Circles.  They are designed to encourage safely structured (trauma-informed) personal contemplation in a community of women.  In virtual ceremony (through the temple of ZOOM) we may witness others, process emotions, and transform our limiting thoughts and beliefs.  Our personal reflections, when witnessed and honored by this community of sisterhood, weave a new narrative in unconditional acceptance and non-judgement as nervous system regulation and healing.  Unresolved chronic pain is often a sign (or symptom) of an emotional barrier, subconscious limitation, or area of soul dissonance that cannot resolve when the nervous system is activated (high or chronic levels of stress, which are common in women).  You may think of it as a message from your Higher Self, seeking your engagement and often wanting completion or dissolution of the past situation or old story.  Our cosmic Earth-Body intelligence (formed of synergistic contemplation) are the wonderous gifts of these Gaia-Galactic gatherings.  They always remind us that we are connected and unconditionally supported.  Collectively, our current “modern’ belief of our human-ness has been limited by an exclusively mechanistic understanding of our physical bodies and separation of the body from nature and the divine.  Exploring our consciousness allows us to move beyond our physical boundaries, opening us to the holistic understanding that we are multi-dimensional beings in coherence with divinity and supported by Mother Earth.  This is the Earth-Body Way, an approach to living a life that is informed by Natural Law.

Indigenous communities have always used dance as a part of ceremony to honor and celebrate nature.  Intrinsic Dance Journeys are sacred ceremonial gatherings whereby we come together with the elements of nature, calling in the divine spirit guides, to embrace our divine essence.  Through music and movement we offer our unique human somatic creations of self-expression on astrologically relevant portals for the collective shift of our consciousness towards a New Golden Age.  I compile and craft a playlist of diverse music to set the stage for a full-spectrum journey of MUvement medicine.  In the ancient civilization of Mu, also known as Lemuria, it is believed that the original inhabitants of the Earth were a galactic species known to be connected with the Pleaides.  They were a star collective of the 5th dimension expressing as pure love, light, and unity consciousness.  Perhaps they are now guiding us back to our original expression of divine design, as speculated by the oracle of our ancestors and confirmed by anthropologists?  Dance is an ancient form of ecstatic celebration and synergistic creative expression to connect our sentient earth with our cosmic ancestors.  Indigenous folks saw this as the most primal and potent purpose of humanity to use our Earth-Bodies as a vessels for our spiritual connectivity.   With our divine creative expressions forming a connection portal, humanity becomes the missing piece (peace) which is the key to the trinity of unity consciousness; earth, human, cosmos.  It is believed that when humans remember to play our sacred humanitarian role as a bridge between heaven and earth, we will return to our original divine human design (of twelve-stranded DNA).  This coming online of a Gaia-Galactic state of consciousness, is necessary for humanity to express a regenerative intrinsic infrastructure for health, known as BioRegenesis.  We are headed into this new paradigm to express as this version of the new human.  I know, it sounds crazy, so let’s just dance it into reality!

It’s time to bring this new paradigm of consciousness into the physical world!  I had originally intended to simply bring balance to the realm of physical fitness through my appreciation and understanding of natural law.  However, as I headed down the rabbit hole of consciousness and spent more time in nature, it became clear that I had to use my information downloads to deliver a whole NEW multidimensional model of holistic intrinsic health information as a foundation.   The physical journey is just a small part of the big perspective of health, but it may be the perfect entry point into the more complex wheel of holistic, divine, and intrinsic health.

My forthcoming book, “Bodies of the Earth: Bringing joy and balance back to your fitness program with the Earth-Body Way” introduces you to my signature philosophy and infrastructure for nature-based movement and exercise programming.  My journey from fitness enthusiast, to fitness competitor, to fitness trainer, to physiotherapist, to Earth-Body Integrator has given me a substantial amount of experience in knowing the physical body.  My self-healing journey after abusing my body to the point of injury and collapse has led to my personal journey of unwinding from chronic pain and exhaustion.   It has brought me into a much more comprehensive and holistic experience of being a truly healthy and whole human.


Now, I bring you ALL that I have learned to facilitate your transformation into the unique and brilliant multidimensional Earth-Body that you’re meant to be.  It brings me complete and utter joy to share my wisdom, experience, and artful passion for wholeness with the humans who inhabit this beautiful planet Earth.  Enjoy!


“Regenerative practices are necessary because we have become a species that is depleted and disconnected from ourselves, as well as from the earth and other living creatures. A balanced system is diverse, cyclical, and ultimately self-sustaining. My clients are blossoming into a greater version of themselves; moving with joy, ease, and vitality. You can too!” – Dr. Nic

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and balance back to your fitness program with the Earth-Body approach.”

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    Nature, health, and movement are at the foundation of my authentic self.

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