Sometimes we can feel like we are doing everything right; eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising, meditating, spending time outside daily, but there is something missing. We might ask ourselves, “Why don’t I feel great?!” This was my personal inquiry at the start of the pandemic. Maybe you can relate? I just couldn’t figure it out. Supplements? Check! Filtered water? Check! Family time? Check! Pets? Check! What could be so elusive?!
In the challenges of the pandemic shake-up, I discovered NUSHU by way of their Thought Leader series. NUSHU is “a wellness collective and global community committed to fostering true connection, personal growth, and empowerment”. NUSHU Group is the signature offering where 8-10 participants gather in an intimate container of sharing, guided by a certified facilitator. The space (physical or virtual) enables an outlet for speaking whatever comes up following a set of prompts; free from fixing, advice-giving, or judgement. “So, what good is that!?” you might ask. Let me explain!
Our emotional intelligence is formed internally in our early life. As adults, we often get caught up in behavioral patterns (which are informed by subconscious pathways of the brain), triggered by an experience that feels similar to something from our past. These behaviors are formed by a personal history that has inherent limitations, formed by our experiences during our early childhood (typically before the age of seven)! Without going too deep into the science, this neural “program” plays out in repetition, happening under our radar in the subconscious mind. We have an awareness when we feel triggered, but before we know it, we are down the rabbit hole of anger, frustration, worry, anxiety, etc. We think that the resolution is something external; to act out, to complain, or find a way to numb our feelings. But the only real, effective, long-term solution is found within.
NUSHU Group is a modality that offers an opportunity for us to explore our own feelings, stories, beliefs, barriers, limitations, or to reconnect with our authentic self. It is an effective way to dive into emotional competence. When we speak our truth out loud, witnessed by the safety of a community committed to trust, a transformation happens. We release the pain, tension, fatigue, depression, anxiety or other sensations that are trapped in our body. Sometimes, when we are feeling “not-so-great”, there is no solution in the physical realm.
“When I discovered this for my own transformation, I couldn’t believe it! I had been struggling with feeling blocked and external solutions were not making me better. But after participating in NUSHU Groups I found a pathway to freedom, self-understanding, and ease! Self reflection in the setting of community. It sounds so simple, but it is very profound.”
I wanted to be able to pass this healing modality along to my clients who were struggling with similar challenges. So I became a Certified NUSHU Group facilitator. I now facilitate NUSHU Groups for my Earth-Body Community to connect with intention and healing practice. It is an adjunct to my Earth-Body fitness offerings, and a powerful practice for integrative, holistic health. Come join the community!